Ausdance WA Projects
As the peak body for the WA dance sector, Ausdance WA addresses key challenges faced by dance artists. Our 2017 Membership Survey highlighted that access to affordable dance space is a top challenge.
DAIR tackled this by partnering with studios, schools, and other spaces, offering free rehearsal space through residencies to help artists develop their practice and ideas.
Residencies for Creative Development
Residencies support the creative development of new works, from planning and exploring ideas to developing existing work and new collaborations. There’s no expectation for a performance outcome, allowing artists to focus on their ideas.
DAIR benefits extend beyond individual artists, fostering creative exchanges in the dance and performing arts sector. In 2018, Ausdance WA partnered with YMCA HQ Leederville, K2 Dance, and WAAPA to offer four 75-hour residency placements to local artists. These residencies ran from July 16 to October 5, awarded to Latin Dance Productions, Talitha Maslin, Lauren Catellani, and Serena Chalker.
Latin Dance Productions
Latin Dance Productions specializes in performing Latin and Brazilian dances. They used the residency placement to develop a Havana Cuban dance show and a Brazilian dance show.
Talitha Maslin
Talitha used her residency as a safe space to experiment with new ideas in making dance in our current arts climate. It also provided a starting point for a work she would like to develop and present in a formal performance.
Lauren Catellani
Lauren used her residency to continue and conclude development on the work, ‘In search for home I find myself leaving or not quite arriving’. In a process of collaboration between desires, limits, opportunities and the ongoing will to share; the dancers uncover the unprovoked and stubborn impetus of togetherness.
Serena Chalker
Serena used the residency as a foundation for a new performance work scheduled for 2019: From the Outside, In (CHANGESCAPES). The residency allowed Serena to build the early stages of development from both a physical and conceptual standpoint.